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Air Force Materiel Command

About Air Force Materiel Command

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The mission of the United States Air Force is: To fly, fight, and win … Airpower anytime, anywhere. To achieve that mission, the Air Force has a vision of Global Vigilance, Global Reach and Global Power. That vision orbits around three core competencies: Developing Airmen, Technology-to-Warfighting and Integrating Operations. Core competencies and distinctive capabilities are based on a shared commitment to three core values — integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. Click here to view the AF Civilian Employment Eligibility Guide: 30 Percent or More Disabled Veterans AF DCIPS Interchange AF Internal Employee DoD Transfer (Excluding Air Force) EO 12721 Certain Former Overseas Employees EO 13473 Appointment of Certain Military Spouses Former Federal Employees (Reinstatement) Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan Land Management Employee Military Spouse Preference Non-Appropriated Fund Non-DoD Transfer People with Disabilities, Schedule A PPP DoD Military Reserve (MR) and National Guard (NG) Technicians PPP DoD Retained Grade Preference Eligible PPP Mil Res (MR) and Nat Guard (NG) Pref Eligible Technician Receiving Disability Retirement Veterans Employment Opportunities Act